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Michael Bowen's VC Course Pages

Michael Bowen's VC Course Pages

Math V21B Maple and wxMaxima Scripts
for 3-D Visualization and Plotting Polar Functions


This page lists some Maple and wxMaxima scripts that may help you with graphing-intensive portions of the course. Some of the graphing capabilities used below are also available on high-end graphing calculators. However, the high speed of a computer, and its extended viewing screen, often make Maple or wxMaxima a better choice for visualization. Maple software may have been bundled with your textbook; the student license is valid for a year from the date it is first installed on your home computer. wxMaxima is an open-source (GPL) software that, to some extent, replicates Maple's capabilities, but is free to download for 32-bit and 64-bit Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. For my courses, use of either software is optional.

The following scripts may be copied and pasted directly from your browser window into a blank Maple or wxMaxima file. For Maple, click anywhere on the red script and press the ENTER button on your computer's keyboard to activate it. For wxMaxima, click anywhere on the script and press the SHIFT+ENTER key combination on the keyboard to activate it. User-adjustable parameters described at the beginning of each listing tell you how to edit the script in order to customize it to fit the problem you are investigating. If you "break" a script by accidental editing, you can copy and paste a new copy of the original script from the browser window into Maple or wxMaxima. In Windows, the ALT+TAB key combination allows you to toggle quickly back and forth between your browser and Maple or wxMaxima.

In the examples below, black text is documentation, and red text is the actual script. The documentation should not be copied into Maple or wxMaxima; please be careful to select an entire section of red text, from the beginning of the first line to the end of the last line. If you seek more information concerning the syntax of Maple commands, click on the command, then press the help (F1) button from Maple (not from the browser). Extensive information concerning Maple commands is also available on line via search engine. To find more information concerning the syntax of wxMaxima commands, consult the online Maxima manual. Tutorials for specific tasks in wxMaxima are also available online.

"Classic Maple" and wxMaxima Scripts

Michael Bowen's VC Course Pages: Math V21B Maple Scripts for 3-D Visualization and Plotting Polar Functions

Last modified: Saturday 11 May 2019 08:18:02
Created by Michael Bowen (Professor of Mathematics)
Department of Mathematics, Ventura College, California, USA
Ventura College is an independent college within the Ventura County Community College District.
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