Ventura College Standards of Student Conduct (authorized by Education Code Section 66300)

In joining the academic community, the student enjoys the right and shares the responsibility in exercising the freedom to learn. Like other members of the academic community, students are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the standards of the college that are designed to perpetuate its educational purposes. Students shall respect and obey civil and criminal law and shall be subject to legal penalties for violation of laws of the city, county, state, and nation. A charge of misconduct may be imposed upon a student for violating provisions of college regulations and the state education and administrative codes. When a student is subject to a charge of misconduct, such charge shall be processed in accordance with the following policy and procedure.

Disciplinary action may be imposed upon a student by an instructor, an administrator, or the governing board for proven misconduct or actual violation of specified college rules and state regulations. Instructors and administrators may place students on probation or temporary exclusion with respect to actions in a classroom, on campus, or at a college-sponsored activity within the procedures specified in this document. The Dean of Student Services or designee shall have the power to impose suspension and to recommend expulsion.

Students are subject to charges of misconduct for any of the following acts on college-owned or controlled property or at a college-sponsored activity:

  1. Willful disobedience to directions of college officials acting in performance of their duties.
  2. Violation of college rules and regulations including those concerning student organizations, the use of college facilities, or the time, place and manner of public expression or distribution of materials.
  3. Dishonesty, such as cheating, or knowingly furnishing false information to the college.
  4. Unauthorized entry to or use of the college facilities.
  5. Forgery, alteration, or misuse of college documents, records or identification.
  6. Obstruction or disruption of classes, administration, disciplinary procedures, or authorized college activities.
  7. Theft of or damage to property or possession of stolen property belonging to the college, a member of the college community or a campus visitor.
  8. Disorderly, lewd, indecent, or offensive conduct.
  9. Obscene, libelous or slanderous expression, or expression which so incites students as to create a clear and present danger of the commission of unlawful acts on the college's campus, the violation of lawful college regulations or the substantial disruption of the college's orderly operation.
  10. Assault or battery, abuse, or any threat of force or violence directed toward any member of the college community or campus visitor engaged in authorized activities.
  11. Use, possession, distribution of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other dangerous drugs; or presence on campus while under the influence of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, hallucinogenic drugs, marijuana, or other dangerous drugs, except as expressly permitted by law.
  12. Possession, while on the college campus or at an on- or off-campus college-sponsored function, of any of the following weapons (except persons given permission by the College President or his or her designated representatives or members of the law enforcement agencies, such as police officers): any instrument or weapon of the kind commonly known as blackjack, sling shot, fire bomb, billy club, sandclub, sandbag, metal knuckles; any dirk, dagger, firearm, (loaded or unloaded), such as pistol, revolver, rifle, etc.; any knife having a blade longer than five inches; any switchblade longer than two inches; any razor with an unguarded blade; any metal pipe or bar used or intended to be used as a club; or any item used to threaten bodily harm.


Classroom Rules

Here are specific rules that students must follow in order not to disrupt our course. Although the rules may seem restrictive, their intent is to increase the enjoyment and usefulness of the class for those students who are genuinely interested in learning. Students who violate one or more of these rules repeatedly or (as determined at the discretion of the instructor) in a disruptive manner may be asked to leave the classroom for the remainder of that day's session. Section 76030 of the Education Code explicitly authorizes community college instructors to "suspend a student for good cause." District and college policies support this right, and make it clear that "good cause" includes rules violations, particularly those violations that disrupt instructional activities. Students asked to leave under these circumstances are still responsible for all course material, assignments, announcements, and other information provided in class. Upon the third such request in any academic term (or any time a student refuses to leave when asked), the instructor will drop the offending student from the course. These rules may be changed or amended as circumstances require; the course instructor will announce such modifications to the class.

  1. Adhere to the standards of student conduct listed above. Following the student conduct code shows respect for your instructors and classmates, your college, and those who have helped you get to college.
  2. Cheating and plagiarism (submitting another's work as one's own) are strictly prohibited, as discussed in more detail on the Course Information sheet. The instructor may engage proctors to assist in detecting academic dishonesty during quizzes and examinations. There should be absolutely no talking or mobile phone use during any quiz or examination, except for questions directed to the instructor in a quiet tone of voice.
  3. Please keep talking to a minimum (and never in a loud voice) while the instructor or another student is talking, unless the instructor has set up a group study session. Giggling or turning heads around are clear signs that the conversation in progress should be held out in the hallway, not near people (your classmates) who are trying to learn complex material. If you cannot keep quiet, the instructor may change your seat or remove you from the classroom.
  4. There is no such thing as a dumb question. If you think another student's question is dumb, kindly keep your opinion to yourself. No one else wants to hear negative, disparaging, or condescending remarks, particularly comments that insult, denigrate, or disrespect fellow students. Such comments are disruptive, as they interfere with other students' ability to learn, and therefore both unwelcome and inappropriate.
  5. If you arrive late, please take a seat quickly and quietly upon arrival. Please do not approach the instructor; he is busy providing instruction to several dozen of your classmates, and they take first priority once the class period begins. Whatever problem you may have, the instructor will deal with it after class.
  6. Please sharpen pencils only during the first five minutes of the class period, or during breaks; doing so at other times is disruptive due to the noise of the sharpener. Plan ahead for problems; bring extra pencils (or pens) in case your lead becomes dull or breaks.
  7. Please bring your textbook, notes, homework, and a calculator to every class. You will often need them, but you may not know in advance exactly when.
  8. Please turn off and put away your beeper, mobile phone, radio, CD or MP3 player, and other electronics. Rare exceptions may be granted for on-call emergency responders, spouses of deployed military personnel, and so on; however, these should still be set to flash or vibrate. Please let the instructor help you decide whether your exception is valid before that first call comes in. Nearly every call can wait until class is over; let your callers record a message. Leaving the classroom to take a call is still distracting to other students.
  9. Eating in class is strongly discouraged, and drinks in open containers are strictly prohibited (we don't have a carpet-cleaning fund). If you have several classes in a row and can't find time to eat, you may bring a small snack if you eat it quickly and quietly. You should enjoy full meals in the cafeteria and study in the classroom, not the other way around. Crackling plastic bags, loud crunching sounds, and strong odors are particularly distracting. All eating and drinking privileges may be revoked if trash (including water bottles) is left in the classroom.
  10. Sleeping is not prohibited, but if you snore, the instructor will awaken you and ask you to nap elsewhere.
  11. Bring a positive attitude to class, and respect your fellow students. If you do not wish to be here, or are not willing to study and learn, please drop the class. Unlike high school; no one is forcing you to be here. By coming unwillingly, not only are you making yourself miserable, you are making your classmates and instructor miserable. Also, a poor attitude will almost certainly prevent you from passing the course.
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